Fictitious Business Name (DBA) in Santa Monica
Greater Los Angeles Notary Offers this service in your area, call today to learn more: (323) 426-5949
A DBA is a trade name that is used to operate a business in Califormia under a name other than your own. The primary purpose of filing a Fictitious Business Name Statement is to inform the public with whom they are doing business. When an individual or company is running a business under a different name in California, it is necessary to register the DBA with the county to operate your business legally.
If you need to notarize your Fictitious Business Name (DBA) in Santa Monica, you can rely on Notary Services to get it done.
A DBA is a trade name that is used to operate a business in Califormia under a name other than your own. The primary purpose of filing a Fictitious Business Name Statement is to inform the public with whom they are doing business. When an individual or company is running a business under a different name in California, it is necessary to register the DBA with the county to operate your business legally.